Celebs is another HeadShop Add-on that contains the morph (shape) of six male celebrities, Michael, Ceasar, Churchill, Clint, Belmondo, Elvis and six female, Barbra, Angie, Frida, QE2, Mona and Greta. Once you drop “Celebs” folder in your “HeadShop plugin/Models/Morphing/Genesis8.1/Man” and “HeadShop plugin/Models/Morphing/Genesis8.1/Woman”  folder, you are all set.

Next time you launch HeadShop 14.1 or OneClick2022 you will find these morphs under the Tab “AutoSculpt”.

Incidentally, you can also create your own celebrities using the FREE SDK in this store: HeadShop Add-on SDK – PrintAhead. Using the many add-ons like Nose, Mouth, Creases, Shapes, Chin, etc we created these celebrity morphs in minutes. You can do it too, for your own use or for sale through DAZ or Abalone.

Enjoy Celebs, more to come!